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Viega LLC – Recognized leader in press technology for plumbing and piping systems

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We aspire to continuously improve and provide the highest quality. A key to our success is a close and long-term collaboration with our suppliers. On this page we present important information about Purchasing at Viega. Furthermore, we invite you to register for the Viega Supplier Portal and benefit from numerous advantages.

We stand for highest quality - this also applies to the partnership with our suppliers.

The Viega Purchasing Organization  

The Viega Purchasing Organization is based on three pillars:

  • The project purchasing team represents the main contact for the procurement of materials for new product developments.
  • The purchasing team of production material ensures a secure supply of material at market conditions.
  • The purchasing team of non-product related materials buys capital goods, operating and auxiliary equipment and services.

In addition to that a team of specialists coordinates and optimizes all processes concerning the division Procurement.

Product Group Management

Due to a consistent Product Group Management, we have a clear procurement strategy. It enables us to fulfill the needs of our customers and reveals potential for improvement. Our procurement process is divided into five stages and ensures a profound analysis of internal needs and market requirements.

  • Requirement analysis
  • Procurement market analysis
  • Selection of procurement strategy
  • Supplier analysis and selection
  • Contract conclusion/implementation

For all questions regarding our procurement processes, the Strategic Buyer will assist you as the Product Group Manager. They build the interface between our products and suppliers.

Supplier Management

We evaluate our suppliers.

We rate our suppliers on a regular basis according to seven criteria: quality, logistics, technology, innovation potential, commercial criteria, risk management, cooperation. The Strategic Buyer will carry out the assessment for those suppliers in their responsibility. That is because they have the best possible overview of the supplier‘s performance and are therefore able to give a realistic evaluation.

We develop our suppliers.

Based on the evaluation we classify our suppliers. This allows us to better estimate their potential. We will decide subsequently which suppliers will be further developed and therefore we will agree on common goals and concrete measures.

We gather our suppliers' feedback.

Our partner’s/supplier’s feedback is of great importance to us. We carry out satisfaction surveys and ask for their opinion on all relevant areas within the procurement process. In doing so we offer them the opportunity to actively take part in the development and improvement process which will in turn strengthen our relationship.

Supplier Portal

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The Viega Supplier Portal is your direct line to our Strategic Buyers. Here you have the opportunity to find out about the latest developments, to follow our tenders or to get in touch with us. Want to become our supplier? Show us your service portfolio and register in the Viega Supplier Portal. Just click on the info box on the right side.